christine ledure - master of advanced studies in international taxation

2025 interest rates – canton of Vaud

ICC credit interest*
(in favour of the taxpayer):

IFD credit interest*
(in favour of the taxpayer):

ICC default interest**
(in favour of the State):

IFD default interest**
(in favour of the State):

ICC compensatory interest***
(in favour of either the taxpayer
or the State):


*     on amounts paid before due date
**   on over-due payments
*** for cantonal/municipal taxes, only, calculated on the difference between installments actually paid and the final tax burden, for the period starting March 31, 2025 until the final tax bill (all intermediary payments will be taken into consideration)


2023 interest rates – canton of Geneva

ICC credit interest*
(in favour of the taxpayer):

ICC default interest **
(in favour of the State):

IFD credit interest *
(in favour of the taxpayer):

IFD default interest**
(in favour of the State):

ICC compensatory interest***
(in favour of the taxpayer):
(in favour of the State):


*     on amounts paid before due date
**   on over-due payments
*** for cantonal/municipal taxes, only, calculated on the difference between installments actually paid and the final tax burden, for the period starting March 31, 2025 until the final tax bill (all intermediary payments will be taken into consideration)

ICC Interest rates since 1995

IFD Interest rates since 1995

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